Group mobility of adult learners

DAY I – God morgon Sverige

Our adventure began on December 3 – group mobility of seniors to Sweden carried out as part of the “Senior …

DAY II – We get to know the activities of Swedish seniors

We started the second day of our adventure with breakfast at the hotel and getting ready for the day. At …

DAY III – treats of seniors from Malmö

We started the third day lazily, because we started with breakfast and free time where everyone could rest and do …

DAY IV – Copenhagen for the holidays

On the fourth day of mobility, we were scheduled to go to Copenhagen. After breakfast, we met in the hotel …

DAY V – Time for Fika

The fifth day of mobility was the penultimate day we spent in Sweden. At noon we took a bus to …

DAY VI – Enjoying the last moments in Malmö

Day six was the last day of senior mobility in Sweden. We had time until 11 a.m. to eat breakfast …

DAY I – ¡ Hola Valencia !

We started the adventure in the form of group mobility to beautiful Valencia on October 1, 2023. starting with a …

DAY II – Buenos días España

On the second day, immediately after a tasty breakfast, the entire group of project participants went to the headquarters of …

DAY III – connected with mother nature

On the third day, early in the morning, we went to a nearby park to meet Kelsie Kerwin, who led …

DAY IV – a Spanish day

We devoted the fourth day of our mobility to getting closer to Spanish culture and traditions. Until noon we visited …

DAY V – mental fitness training

The fifth day was spent mainly in two facilities serving the needs of older people. The first place was the …

DAY VI – Summary of mobility

The last day of mobility was not very long due to the early return flight, but we had enough time …

DAY I – We welcomed beautiful Malmö

The first day of group mobility was a great experience for our seniors, mainly due to the plane flight – …

DAY II – Varje dag är viktigast – (ENG) Every day is the most important

On the second day, right after breakfast, we went for a walk to the EU MOBILITY SVERIGE organization, which, as …

DAY III – We celebrate time – Swedish Fika

We started the third day with outdoor exercises in the city park. We got there by public transport, seeing Malmö …

DAY IV – Swedish senior center

On the fourth day in the morning, interested people went for a walk to the Swedish seaside to walk on …

DAY V – We discover the attractions that Copenhagen hides

To start the fifth day of mobility well, we went to the Limhamns Motesplats senior center – a bit away …

DAY VI – A difficult farewell to Malmö

The sixth and last day of our mobility was no less active than the previous ones. In the morning, all …

Preparatory visit to Sweden

The organizers of the project “Senior open to the world” No. 2022-1-PL01-KA122-ADU-000071920 have just returned from a preparatory visit to …