DAY II – We get to know the activities of Swedish seniors

We started the second day of our adventure with breakfast at the hotel and getting ready for the day.

At 10:00 a.m. we left the hotel and walked towards the organizational meeting with the EU Mobility Foundation, where refreshments were waiting for us. The meeting didn’t last long, because a moment later we were scheduled to go to one of the Senior Homes in Malmö. There was a conversation with the project coordinator, who talked about what opportunities seniors have in Malmö. We all listened with admiration about how many opportunities to spend time seniors have in this city. One of the interesting facts was that in Malmö alone there are as many as 14 meeting houses for seniors, and a total of 8,000 seniors aged 67 to 100 come to all of them every month.

After talking to the coordinator, we all went to play curling. It was something new for us, so we all had to learn the rules and scoring, which fortunately were very simple. We were divided into four groups of two and played among ourselves – one group against the other. Everyone had positive emotions during the game because there was a lot of fun, laughter and healthy competition. The game was a success for everyone, because it didn’t matter who won, but how much fun it gave everyone.

After leaving the Senior Home, we took a bus towards the hotel, where we went to pick up unnecessary things, and then continued our journey by bus – this time towards the sea. We got off at the stop next to the tallest building in Malmö, which has 54 floors, and then we went towards the sea for a short walk with a beautiful view, during which we took a lot of souvenir photos. When it started to get dark, we returned to the hotel for dinner and got ready for another day full of attractions.